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Tree Planting Services
For your Yard, Acreage, or Farm

We offer a vaierty of Tree Planting and Specialty Planting Services for your yard, acreage, farm, community, or business. What ever your needs we will come up with a plan and a solution.
The Johnny Appleseed Project does
Silva Culture, Permaculture, Rehabilitation, Restoration. Habitat Correction
Planting in trouble areas Flood, and drought zones,High Wind Areas
Planting for Privacy, wind break, and shade.
Lawn and acreage upgrades and beautification.
Climate Change, Planting for the future, Tree adaptation and evolution of species planning and planting.
Planting for profit, or self sustainability
Permaculture orchards, and survival gardens.
Plants that serve a purpose or are useful Pollinators, Bird, and animal Conservation
Edible Berry and Fruit Gardens
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